Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Heather Mills soaks McCartney's lawyer

Heather Mills threw water over ex-husband Sir Paul McCartney's lawyer yesterday (17.03.08), boasting she had been "baptised in court".

The former model, who was awarded £24.3 million in her divorce settlement, reportedly tipped a glass of water over Fiona Shackleton's head at London's Royal Courts of Justice.

Shackleton, who arrived at the hearing with perfectly styled hair, left court looking wet and bedraggled. A source said: "Heather tipped water over her head. It was cool calm and collected. It trickled down Fiona's head.

She waited until the hearing was over. Fiona was soaking. Everyone was stunned - that kind of behaviour is just not acceptable."

Outside the court, Heather unleashed a furious verbal attack on Shackleton - who represented Prince Charles in his divorce from the late Princess Diana - accusing her of underhand tactics.

The 40-year-old fumed: "Fiona Shackleton has very sadly handled this case in the worst manner you can ever, ever imagine. She has called me many, many, many names before even meeting me when I was in a wheelchair."

Last year, Heather slammed Shackleton - nicknamed Steel Magnolia for her success in the courtroom - claiming she was purposely prolonging the divorce battle.

She said at the time: "Fiona Shackleton wants to drag things out to fill her pockets." Heather - who had been seeking £125 million from The Beatles legend - plans to launch an appeal about the publication of the settlement, claiming she is worried about the couple's four-year-old daughter Beatrice. As part of the deal, she will receive £14 million for herself and £2.5 million to buy a house in London. Heather was also awarded assets of £7.8 million.

Paul will pay for Beatrice's nanny and school fees and give Heather £35,000 a year to look after their daughter.

Heather's father Mark Willis said he was proud of his daughter, but admitted her money demands were outlandish. He said: "She has done very well representing herself in court. The settlement is a good one. What she was demanding was ridiculous. She should be set for life."